Our Mission
To strengthen & empower families within their own homes
We encourage families to be involved in their respective churches and civic organizations. Our doors are open to all religious faiths and we encourage unity in our common belief in God. We do not engage in religious discrimination, bashing or debates. We encourage learning, understanding and knowledge of a variety of righteous faiths.
Activities center around traditional families (mom, dad and children) participating as families. We are designed to enhance a family’s home education program and not to replace or weaken family bonds.
We believe that families can and should shelter their children from evil without isolation from society. By uniting, we want to provide activities and interaction that is wholesome, edifying and empowering, activities which might be impossible to provide for your family on your own. In the spirit of “many hands make light work” we require all members sign up for a job every year.
We believe that every family has a God-given and legal right to homeschool to better impart their family values, talents and culture to best help their children thrive. We offer education and classes to encourage families to know and maximize those rights. We encourage families to be involved in civic organizations and community service. We encourage families to teach the Constitution within their homes, creating an understanding of the blessings and responsibilities of citizenship. Our doors are open to all party affiliations and we encourage unity in our common belief in good government.